Level definition
Level is defined as XML file inside data\Levels folder. The xml root elements is world and right now consits only from the list of entities.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Entity name="Player" />
<Entity name="SkyBox">
<Top image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_up.tga" />
<Bottom image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_dn.tga" />
<Left image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_rt.tga" />
<Right image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_lf.tga" />
<Back image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_ft.tga" />
<Forward image="SkyBoxes/mp_crimelem/criminal-element_bk.tga" />
<Entity name="halfBox">
<translate sid="location">0 0 0</translate>
<rotate>0 1 0 180</rotate>
<staticMesh filePath="halfBox.obj" material="basic" />
<PointLight intensity="3.0">
<translate sid="location">0 0.1 0</translate>
Entity represents independend unit in the game world. In the code entity is currently represented by Entity::C_BasicEntity. Each entity can own list of components.